World is full of unexpected and interesting things. As to convey my thought, every year I would take photos of myself about the things that catch my attention.
• Film “Masks”: Throughout the development and surviving process, human wear many different masks for different purposes. In my observation, we would likely to hide our true self within the masks that we create and hide away our own nature. However, human eventually return to their true self once they successfully achieve their goals. Mask is a disguise that Vietnam classical opera which called Hat Boi uses in order to allow the performers to turn into the story’s characters and show the real personality of the character on their face. Hat Boi originally comes from Binh Dinh – my hometown. By that, I realized one thing, under those masks, at the same time the true nature of the character is exposed and concealed. Which is real, and which is fake? I recreate those masks accordingly to the original versions